
PY.470.431.  Guitar Literature 1 (UG).  2 Credits.  

A study of the literature for the guitar from the Renaissance to the present. Offered in alternate years.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.

Distribution Area: P, Y

PY.470.432.  Guitar Literature 2 (UG).  2 Credits.  

A study of the literature for the guitar from the Renaissance to the present.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.;Completion of Guitar Literature 1 (UG) required, PY.470.431[C].

Distribution Area: P, Y

PY.470.545.  Guitar Seminar (UG).  1 Credit.  

A seminar for performance and discussion of the guitar and related repertoire. Required of all guitar majors in all semesters of enrollment.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.

PY.470.546.  Guitar Seminar (UG).  1 Credit.  

A seminar for performance and discussion of the guitar and related repertoire. Required for guitar majors.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.

PY.470.585.  Guitar Music Skills 1.  1 Credit.  

The application of theoretical skills to the guitar, including harmony, rhythm, transposition, and analysis.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.

Distribution Area: P, Y

PY.470.586.  Guitar Music Skills 2.  1 Credit.  

The application of theoretical skills to the guitar, including harmony, rhythm, transposition, and analysis.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.;Completion of Guitar Skills 1 required, PY.470.585[C]

Distribution Area: P, Y

PY.470.587.  Guitar Music Skills 3.  1 Credit.  

A continuation of 470.585-586 for guitar majors; emphasis on form, analysis, transposition, and sight-reading.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.;Completion of Guitar Skills 2 required, PY.470.586[C]

Distribution Area: P, Y

PY.470.588.  Guitar Music Skills 4.  1 Credit.  

A continuation of Guitar Music Skills 3; emphasis on form, analysis, transposition, and sight-reading.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.;Completion of Guitar Skills 3 required, PY.470.587[C]

Distribution Area: P, Y

PY.470.631.  Guitar Literature 1 (GR).  2 Credits.  

A study of the literature for the guitar from the Renaissance to the present. Offered in alternate years.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.

PY.470.632.  Guitar Literature 2 (GR).  2 Credits.  

A study of the literature for the guitar from the Renaissance to the present. Offered in alternate years.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.;Completion of Guitar Literature 1 (GR) required, PY.470.631[C].

PY.470.637.  Guitar Pedagogy 1.  2 Credits.  

A study of guitar instructional principles and procedures for their application. Graduate students enrolled in this course will be required to do more advanced and specialized research and documentation.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.

Distribution Area: P, Y

PY.470.638.  Guitar Pedagogy 2.  2 Credits.  

A study of guitar instructional principles and procedures for their application.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.;Completion of Guitar Pedagogy 1 required, PY.470.637[C].

Distribution Area: P, Y

PY.470.845.  Guitar Seminar (GR).  1 Credit.  

A seminar for performance and discussion of the guitar and related repertoire. Required of all guitar majors in all semesters of enrollment.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.

PY.470.846.  Guitar Seminar (GR).  1 Credit.  

A seminar for performance and discussion of the guitar and related repertoire. Required for guitar majors.

Prerequisite(s): Open to Guitar majors only.