Policy Statement

Johns Hopkins University seeks to provide a supportive educational, training, and professional environment. The University provides several avenues of redress for students and postdoctoral fellows who believe they have been adversely affected in their professional or educational activities as a result of an arbitrary or capricious act, or failure to act, or a violation of a University, division, school, or center procedure or regulation by their supervisor, department chair, center director, or other administrator or administrative body. The University encourages individuals involved in such disputes to resolve the matter informally. The purpose of this Policy is to provide a formal mechanism to resolve grievances of all students and postdoctoral fellows of the University. This Policy is only to be used to resolve serious matters which meet the definition of a “grievable” matter and cannot be resolved through informal discussions or processes, and is only to be applied after reasonable efforts have been made to settle the dispute informally.

Full Policy

The full policy can be found in the JHU Policy and Document Library.