Non-Degree Training

Continuing Education Programs

The Department of International Health sponsors two types of continuing education programs for both health professionals and students.

Certificate Programs

Certificate programs offer focused academic training in specific areas of public health. Certificates typically require less time and coursework than a degree, making them appealing both to current Bloomberg degree students desiring specialization in particular topic areas and to individuals seeking to learn more about specific areas of public health. 

Click here to see certificate programs offered by the Department of International Health.

Winter and Summer Institute

Institute courses are short (one day to three weeks in length), offered in January, over the Summer, and in November, and they can be taken for academic credit (resulting in an official transcript from JHSPH) or not for credit (at a reduced cost). Institute courses have the same academic rigor and same world-class faculty as regular term courses, but the courses are compressed to take place in fewer days. Courses vary in length from one day to three weeks, depending on the number of credits and the requirements of the particular course.

Click here to see a list of institutes sponsored by the Department of International Health. 


Center for Indigenous Health  

Gender and Health Institute 

Health Emergencies in Large Populations (HELP) 

Global Health Systems Summer Institute 

Tropical Medicine and Public Health 

Post-Doctoral Training