Application Fee
Students submitting an application for admission must pay a $75 application fee directly to NursingCAS. If an applicant has already applied to another program using NursingCAS, each additional program application will be charged a fee of $45.
Enrollment Deposit
A non-refundable $1000 deposit is required of DNP Anesthesia students. All other students submit a non-refundable $500 deposit to enroll in the School of Nursing. The deposit will be credited to the student’s tuition account.
Matriculation Fee
A onetime $500 matriculation fee will be charged to the student’s account for degree seeking students. Matriculation fees are for non-PhD programs.
Tuition Payment
Tuition for the upcoming semester must be paid by the billing statement due date. Non-degree-seeking students must pay at time of registration. MasterCard, Visa, Amex, and Discover Card are accepted. Alternate payment plans may only be arranged 30 days prior to the start of the semester. A $55-per-semester charge will be assessed for this service. No payment plans will be allowed for non-degree-seeking students.
Tuition Rates
For current tuition rates, please visit the School of Nursing's website here.
Tuition and Fee Payment Through SIS (Student Information System)
The Johns Hopkins University provides student account information using SIS (Student Information System). This website allows students to view their accounts, make online payments, and update information. SIS is the official means of generating tuition bills to School of Nursing students. Paper bills are no longer mailed to enrolled students.
The self-service system will automatically send an email notification to the student’s JHSON email address when a new bill is ready to be viewed online. No sign-up is required. Each registered student is automatically enrolled. It is the student’s responsibility to check their student account and pay their tuition promptly.
Student Health Insurance
All students in degree and certificate programs are required to have health insurance coverage. Students will be automatically enrolled in the JHU insurance plan but can waive insurance with proof of comparable insurance. The University will provide information about its student health insurance plan. All on-campus students must have insurance that will fully insure them in Baltimore, Maryland. No out-of-state HMO or out-of-state coverage will be approved. Learn more here.
Health Services Fee
All full-time on-campus matriculated students will pay an $850 annual health services fee and will have unrestricted access to all services at University Health Services.
Late Registration Fee
A student who for any reason does not complete registration until after the prescribed registration period must pay a $50 late registration fee before that registration is finalized by the registrar. Information about late registration fees is included in registration materials distributed by the Office of the Registrar.
Late Payment Fee
The University assesses a 1.5% per month late fee on the unpaid balance for any student whose account is in arrears. Students who have unpaid balances from a previous semester will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters.
JHSON does not charge for transcripts, however, the National Student Clearinghouse does charge a nominal fee for each transcript and for expedited delivery. Diplomas will not be released to students with unpaid student account balances.
Graduation Fee
There is no graduation fee. For students who participate in the graduation ceremony, regalia is required. Students may rent or purchase regalia. Please contact for details.
Returned Check Fee
A service fee will be assessed for any returned check. Read more about university payment policies.
If you need assistance with tuition payments or student accounts, please contact SEAM to request support.