Absence and Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all courses, labs, and clinicals as scheduled. Students who are absent from course-supported learning exercises compromise their ability to master course content, to attain the necessary skills to meet course objectives, and ultimately to pass the course.
Providing makeup for missed course activities is at the discretion of JHSON faculty and is not guaranteed. If students miss a clinical, they may be required to pay a fee for make-up clinical time or simulation exercises. In the event of an absence from a course-supported learning activity due to extenuating circumstance, students must contact the faculty member (either didactic, laboratory, simulation, or clinical instructor) in advance or as soon as possible. Exams or quizzes missed because of an absence may be made up with an alternative assignment, assessment, or exam at the discretion of the course faculty.
If an absence is for a religious observance, the student should review and complete the Religious Observance Request Form for each course at the timeframes indicated on the form.
If a student is absent because of a severe medical illness/condition (i.e. while not intended to be all inclusive, this can be defined as something that requires urgent treatment, emergency evaluation, or prevents ongoing participation in course or clinical activities.), or hospitalization, they must submit a written medical clearance from a licensed health care professional (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant). The written medical clearance is submitted to the associate dean for enrollment management and student affairs. If any restrictions are recommended, Student Disability Services will work directly with the student to discuss any reasonable accommodations. The associate dean of enrollment management and student affairs notifies the program director of the student’s ability to continue. For students who need to take a Leave of Absence (LOA), they should refer to the University and JHSON policies and processes.