The Department of Epidemiology is an academic department in the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. The Department is loosely divided into eight academic tracks or research areas including the Cardiovascular and Clinical Epidemiology program. The department participates in required Epidemiology instruction for first-year students in the School of Medicine. In addition, elective opportunities, both formal courses and tutorials, are available. Interested students should consult the Bloomberg School of Public Health section of the e-catalogue for information on course offerings and areas of research represented in Epidemiology.
A combined M.D.-Ph.D. Program in Epidemiology is available. Interested students should consult the administrator in each school for details. Currently, these are Ms. Sharon Welling in SOM and Ms. Fran Burman in JHSPH.
Program Requirements
Other Courses and Elective Opportunites
Research and Tutorials. (same as Epidemiology PH.340.840 Special Studies and Research Epidemiology, School of Public Health).
Students may undertake tutorials under the supervision of a member of the Department of Epidemiology faculty. These programs are individually planned and consist of reading in specific areas of epidemiologic and clinical interest or may comprise participation in research activities underway in the department. The School of Public Health follows a term schedule that rarely matches the School of Medicine calendar. Please be cognizant of academic calendars when selecting didactic courses. Degree candidates in the SOM may take course electives in the School of Public Health upon approval by the program directors.