- Add/Drop
- Auditing a Course
- Change of Program
- Completion of Prerequisites
- Course Enrollment Limits
- Course Load
- Employer Contract
- Employer Reimbursement
- Financial Aid
- Inactive Status
- International and Off-Site Courses
- JHU Tuition Remission
- Late Registration
- Leave of Absence
- Maximum Number of Courses Beyond Program Degree Requirements
- Pre-Entrance Health Requirements
- Registering for Courses in Other JHU Programs
- Student Information System
- Tuition Payment
- Ways to Register
Students wishing to add or drop a course can use the online add/drop form and should refer to the academic calendar and the refund schedule to determine term-specific deadlines and the refund timeline. All registered students are subject to the refund schedule, regardless of attendance.
A student attempting to add a course that requires adviser approval should work with their designated academic adviser or program director to initiate that process.
A drop means the class will not appear on a student’s transcript. After the drop deadline has passed (at the end of the third calendar week of the term), a student can no longer drop a class, but must withdraw.
Auditing a Course
Auditors receive no credit for the course, and a grade of “AU” is placed on their official transcript. There is no reduction in fees or tuition when auditing a course. Prior to registering as auditors, students must document with the instructor what tasks are required to earn the audit. Note that not all courses are suitable for audit and requests to audit may not be approved. Students may request an audit by consulting with their instructor and adviser and receiving subsequent approval from the instructor. Students can only change from credit to audit in a course prior to the withdrawal deadline, and if they do not uphold the agreed-upon tasks associated with the audit, the course should revert to a withdrawal on the student’s transcript.
Auditors cannot change their status to credit-seeking after the start of the semester. Degree-seeking students should note that choosing to audit a course may have ramifications on other aspects of enrollment, including, but not limited to, financial aid, immigration status, and the maximum number of courses toward degree.
Change of Program
Students who wish to change to another degree program within Advanced Academic Programs must complete a new online application. Documents required by the new program but not submitted previously must be included with the application. Students are not automatically admitted to a new program; their request is reviewed by the appropriate Admissions Committee according to the stipulations of the new program. Any courses taken in one AAP program that are the exact courses in another AAP program will be counted toward the new degree when a student changes programs, provided that the new program’s requirements for core courses and electives are met. Tuition rates in AAP vary with each academic discipline/program; therefore, changing programs may result in different tuition rates. Students may submit applications at any time, but if approved, the student’s program information will not be updated until the end of the current semester. Please note: Taking courses outside the program to which you are admitted does not guarantee admission to another program.
Completion of Prerequisites
The prerequisites for each course can be found in the program sections of this catalogue. It is the student’s responsibility to check the prerequisites for each course and register appropriately. A student may be administratively dropped from a course if they have not met the stated prerequisite. Students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisers if they have questions about prerequisites.
Course Enrollment Limits
All AAP courses have enrollment limits. It is not always possible to offer additional sections of oversubscribed courses. A waiting list option is available in SIS during the registration period for most courses with full enrollment. Enrollment is not guaranteed.
JHU's Student Information System will limit students from registering for more than two waitlists at a time. If a course’s waitlist opens, the student will be notified and will have 48 hours to add the class. Once a student removes themselves from a waitlist, they will be able to register for an additional waitlist, up to a total of two waitlists at any given time.
Course Load
The full-time course load for a graduate student is nine credit hours per semester.
Students expecting to take three or more courses should consult with their program director. Some programs require permission from the academic adviser before enrolling in more than three courses per term.
Employer Contract
Students whose tuition is paid by employer billing authorization (employer contract) should begin processing requests with their employers well before the start of registration, and send a copy of the employer contract via the SEAM online form. Students using an employer contract are financially responsible for any tuition and fees not paid by the employer.
Employer Reimbursement
Students who are requesting employer tuition reimbursement must pay for the course upon receipt of a bill (through SIS) from the Student Accounts Office with their own funds and request reimbursement from the employer at the appropriate time.
Financial Aid
Students who plan to request financial aid should submit the appropriate paperwork in ample time before registering. Students must take a minimum of two courses required for their program to be eligible for federal financial aid. Students may also look at alternative loans for single course registration.
The JHU Policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress requires all students to advance in their program with appropriate grades and within the appropriate timeline to continue receiving financial aid. The financial aid code for JHU/AAP is E00473. The Financial Aid section in the Academic Catalogue provides details regarding satisfactory academic progress required for compliance for financial aid.
Inactive Status
Except for those on a leave of absence, students who do not enroll for any three consecutive semesters (including summer) will lose their active status. AAP will consider the student to have withdrawn from the program.
To resume taking courses in Advanced Academic Programs, students must reapply by submitting a new application form, application fee, and any new application materials required. Reapplying students are subject to the admissions and program requirements in effect at the time of the new application. Acceptance for inactive students is not guaranteed, and courses taken prior to the interruption of studies might not count toward degree requirements. Time limitations still apply; see the Time Limitation policy
International and Off-Site Courses
Some AAP programs may offer courses at an international location or at a site that is not on the Johns Hopkins University premises. These courses may have different registration deadline requirements and refund schedules, as well as additional registration paperwork and fees. Students should check the website and SIS messaging carefully to understand these differences.
JHU Tuition Remission
Students receiving tuition remission benefits from Johns Hopkins University should read the contract carefully. Call the JHU Benefits Service Center at 410-516-2000 to address any questions. Please note that students are financially responsible for dropped courses paid for with tuition remission and any associated fees, if applicable.
Late Registration
Registration is open for approximately two months prior to the start of a semester/term. The Late Registration period is defined as the seven days prior to the start of classes and requires a $150 fee. Late registration does not apply for new students who were accepted for that term. Check the Academic and Registration Calendar for late registration deadlines. Students registering late should check the refund schedule.
Leave of Absence
The University grants a leave of absence under appropriate circumstances to support students' necessary time away for medical, service, hardship, or academic reasons. The Office of the Provost provides leadership and support to University officials acting under this Student Leave of Absence Policy’s (the “Policy”) procedures and related divisional procedures, including consulting with and providing guidance to deans and their designees, registrars, and others to support consistent and fair application of this Policy across the University. Please review the full University-wide Leave of Absence Policy.
Maximum Number of Courses Beyond Program Degree Requirements
AAP students may take up to two courses beyond their degree program requirements, including those replaced by course retakes. Students should consult with their adviser prior to registering for those courses. To obtain adviser approval, students must forward a written request that includes documentation of the course description and a rationale for taking the course(s).
AAP advises students that financial aid may not cover courses that do not contribute to the completion of a program and that they should consult with a financial aid adviser prior to enrolling in courses beyond program degree requirements.
In addition, students should note that the policies on probation and dismissal and on academic standing and conduct apply to all courses, including those taken beyond program degree requirements.
Students interested in taking additional AAP courses after completing their degrees may do so under the Alumni Benefits Policy or may register as a special student/non-degree applicant.
Pre-Entrance Health Requirements
All incoming in-person students to Johns Hopkins University must meet certain health requirements before attending. Failure to comply with these health requirements prior to your arrival onsite will block you from adding or dropping classes, interrupt your orientation, and may result in a $100 health form completion fine. For health forms and instruction go to Advanced Academic Programs – Primary Care.
The policies described above include:
- All new incoming in-person full- or part-time students enrolled in a degree program
- Post-docs
- Visiting medical students
- Non-clinical visiting students
Students who are exempt from the pre-entrance requirements
- Fully remote students.
Registering for Courses in Other JHU Programs
With adviser approval, AAP students may take up to two comparable courses and apply these courses from other JHU programs toward their master’s degree or certificate.
Interprogram Courses
AAP students wishing to count a course outside their program toward their degree need to obtain adviser permission, unless the course is cross-listed in the course schedule or otherwise listed as part of shared concentrations. To obtain adviser approval, students must forward to their adviser a written request that includes documentation of course description and any other information that may be helpful in assessing the course’s applicability to a student’s program. The student’s adviser or academic program director then determines if the requested course is appropriate and whether the student is eligible to take it.
Interdivisional Registration for AAP Students
AAP students who wish to take a course at another Johns Hopkins school/division must submit a request to the AAP Registration Office using the online add/drop form. To ensure that there is time for review and approval from other divisions within Johns Hopkins, the request must be received in the AAP Registration Office no later than two weeks before the first day of class. Adviser approval is required to allow non-AAP courses to count toward the AAP degree (excluding curricula that require courses from other JHU divisions). To obtain adviser approval, students must forward to their adviser a written request that includes documentation of the course description, number of credits, and any other information that may be helpful in assessing the course’s applicability to a student’s program. The student’s adviser then determines if the requested course is appropriate and whether the student is eligible to take it.
Interdivisional Registration for Non-AAP Students
Non-AAP students in other divisions of Johns Hopkins may take up to two AAP courses, if permitted by their home division, and with permission of the AAP program director or associate dean. Non-AAP students must complete the necessary paperwork and/or procedures required by their home school/division. Interdivisional requests are processed by the AAP Registration Office during late registration on a space-available basis, to allow AAP students first eligibility into courses. Interdivisional registration is not guaranteed. School of Medicine students should contact the AAP registration manager for assistance with interdivisional registration.
Student Information System
The Student Information System provides students access to financial aid, billing, and enrollment records in one location with the same interface. Strong authentication security assures confidential access to information by students using any popular Web browser and their JHED login ID and password.
Tuition Payment
In order to complete a registration, a verification of payment method of all tuition and fees is required for each semester at the time of registration. Students will not be not dropped from their courses if payments are not made in full. Subsequently, students remain financially responsible for the tuition and fees associated with each course.
AAP students can make payments by check, credit card, employer contract (employer authorization), tuition remission, or financial aid. In all cases, students are not permitted to register if there is a balance due on their account from a previous semester.
Ways to Register
- Online at SIS
- Online add/drop form
- Via the SEAM online form
Each semester, the course schedule is posted. The course schedule is available only online, and students are encouraged to enroll early for best selection.