
Johns Hopkins University alumni are welcome to return to take courses through AAP. Having alumni in courses boosts academic rigor, knowledge, and experience in the classroom. To promote this interaction and to provide opportunities for alumni to take courses they missed or that will help them remain current in their fields, AAP offers the Alumni Tuition Benefit Program.

Alumni may be eligible for admission to their chosen program but may not be interested in pursuing the degree. These alumni are permitted to enroll in any courses for which they satisfy the stated prerequisites. As long as alumni do not interrupt their studies for more than one year and remain in good academic standing, they can take up to four courses in an individual program under the Alumni Tuition Benefit Program. The program director for the selected program must sign off on each course for which alumni want to register through the alumni benefit. Alumni may not register in more than one program at the same time and must reapply for the alumni benefit to take courses in additional programs. Alumni who do not remain in good academic standing may be dismissed from AAP. If more than one year lapses between registrations, alumni are required to reapply for the Alumni Tuition Benefit Program.

Alumni are welcome to apply to be accepted as new degree candidates at any time during their studies. The program’s Admissions Committee will determine if any credit-bearing courses completed at the time of application will count toward the degree. Program requirements and time limitations in effect when applying will guide the admission decision.

To apply for the AAP Alumni Tuition Benefit, alumni must complete the standard AAP online application, checking the appropriate box to indicate alumni status. The application fee will be waived for alumni applying for the alumni benefit.

Qualification Required: In all cases above, alumni can enroll only in courses for which they qualify. A program may elect to limit the courses open to alumni or may reserve a certain number of slots for current students.

Full-Tuition Option (with credit): Alumni who have applied for the AAP Alumni Tuition Benefit through the online application will be able to register for an approved course. Their registration will be processed promptly during regular registration or late registration. In most instances, they will compete for seats along with current students (first come, first served). Students should contact the program director for more detailed information. The course will appear with a grade on the transcript.

Space-Available Tuition Benefit (noncredit, audit): Alumni interested in this option will be eligible for a reduction in tuition, paying 1/3 of the normal tuition in any course for which they qualify, on a space-available system. The reduction does not apply to fees, which must be paid at the standard student rate. The course will appear with an “AU” to indicate the audit status on the transcript. Courses taken as noncredit or audit cannot be applied toward the completion of a degree or graduate certificate.